Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Right Now...

the pages of Feminine Appeal and How to Have a Mary Spirit
the handwritten notes I receive in the mail from family and friends
the spontaneous text messages and emails from friends throughout the day, reminding me I am loved, thought of and prayed for
the power of prayer and the impact it has on my daily life and in the lives of my sweet ones
the friendly nature of our new community
His promises

unnecessary bouts of crying, resulting in flushed cheeks and wee bodies sprawled out on the floor
the daily clamourings of toddlers over the ever important issues of water vs. juice, Toy Story vs. Nemo, mini wafers vs. fish crackers
the little man's bed head and early morning squawks alerting the neighborhood of his wakefulness
the little lady's hearty fits of spontaneous giggles that can be heard throughout the day
the lame jingles he and I create for local establishments around town
the dramatic rise in temperature as you move from the living room to the kitchen to the hallway and finally the bedrooms of our new home

the voices from home heard over the receiver
little hands that find their way into mine
my pillow each night as I fall into bed exhausted by another day
the gentle hum of house fans that keep us cool throughout the night
Jeff's safe return from work each day, bringing refreshment to our home and my spirit
the innocent faces of our sweet ones
the early morning glow of lights as local shops come to life on our busy street
His promises

the early morning quiet and sitting across from my husband as meet with our Savior and with each other
little bodies that find their way into my lap needing an extra squeeze, cuddle or tickle
my role as wife and mother
the opportunity to learn from others
His unconditional love, peace, and grace
His promises

the sights, smells and sounds of a new city
family dinners around our table
time alone with my husband after little ones are tucked in for the night
the taste of baked goods sampled around town
the unexpected joy found in moving our family miles from home, providing me the opportunity to interact with them, learn from them, observe them, and love on them without interruption or distraction
His promises

 high pitched screeches and squeals
food that is tossed from booster seats, repeatedly
Finding Nemo (He has been found.  Enough already.)
the navy and mauve carpet that lines our apartment building hallways and splatter painted walls

1 comment:

  1. "I am over"...! HAHA!

    So glad we have blogs to keep us connected this year. :) It's my favorite place to come when I am online, and I leave each time offering a prayer for whatever I find to be happening lately in Shaker Heights.


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