Friday, July 15, 2011

Because I Love You...

for every cotton ball that i use, i leave one for you to discover

i allow you to continue to use your "papis" when i know full well that the longer i allow you to use them, the harder it will be to take them away

i no longer ask you to keep your shoes on when we travel in the van, allowing you the freedom to maneuver them off your feet in the clever way that you do, only to have me replace them once we've arrived at our destination

i tolerate your high-pitched screams as gracefully as i can without pulling out my hair (i wouldn't want you to have a mama with patchy hair)

i sit with you each night on my bed and pray for you before placing you in your crib

i watch scenes of toy story every other day because you are delighted by the animated toys

i read and reread the same construction books to you each day, because they are your favorite

i am firm with you when you are naughty, even when your big blue eyes plead with me to be lenient

i pick up the food you toss from your booster chair each day without throwing it back at you, because if i'm honest after months of collecting it that is what i'm tempted to do some days

i kiss you as often as i can and stroke your darling face

i open our windows wide, so that you are able to see and hear the sights and sounds of the busy street, because you have grown to love all forms of vehicles

i play your favorite tunes so that you can sing and dance to your heart's content

i launder your favorite blankets and loveys, so that they are a clean and sweet smelling place for you to rest your head

i find it fascinating to observe you all day long as you process and interact with the world around you

i feed your curiosity, granting you more freedom than perhaps i should because you love to tinker and explore

i cherish your little spirit

i tell you how much jesus loves you

1 comment:

  1. the visual of you throwing food back at joe made me laugh out loud. :)


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