Sunday, May 6, 2012

While Dad's away...

Last Wednesday, just days after returning from Vegas, Jeff boarded a plane for Vancouver, Canada for an aesthetic meeting.  Being that he would be away for five days, we invited Papa and Nany to Cleveland to serve as reinforcements.  Our time was filled with many sweet moments as the children soaked in all of the extra attention, and took great delight in hosting our guests at "Hotel Larson." Our apartment does not provide us with an abundance of space, especially when entertaining.  Most of our out of town guests stay in hotels, so this was a special event for the children.  Like any good hotel, we provided our honored guests with comfortable accommodations (a queen-sized blow up mattress), a variety of food options (most of which were prepared by Nany), and free entertainment in the form of two energetic and boisterous children.

Perfecting the art of making meatballs.  She handled each delicate ball of meat with care.

After a three month hiatus, we returned to On the Rise bakery for croissants and steaming coffee.  We were blessed with picture perfect spring weather each morning, and enjoyed dining al fresco.

Our little Parisian, one croissant alone will not satisfy.  She now delicately devours two pain au chocolates.

Each evening after being tenderly scrubbed clean by the hands of Nany, our sweet ones delighted in rummaging through our guests' loot.  Free entertainment at its best!

Introducing Papa to the Shaker Heights Nature Center.

With fresh hair cut, our little hiker enjoyed stuffing his pockets full of rocks along the trails.

The little lady, with feminine stride, took charge, leading us through the shaded paths.

Tossing stones.

It was such a blessing to have my folks around in Jeff's absence. Many hands, indeed, lighten the load.  It brings our children such joy to have guests in Cweveland, and we savored every minute with Nan and Pops.

We miss you already...come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet of your parents to spend time with you while Jeff was away! I love that Char requires 2 croissants and that Joey is nearly as tall as her (the throwing stones picture - is it accurate? Or is he just closer to the camera?). Thanks for the constant inspiration to get my kids cooking with me. Seeing Char making meatballs made me feel just a wee bit guilty for making the dinner prep hour 'show time' at our house! haha


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