Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A little of this, a little of that

The Little Lady

...has recently given up her afternoon nap.  She now plays quietly (depending on the day or type of imaginative play) in her room for 1 - 2 hours. 

...loves styling her outfit each day, adding necklaces, bracelets or fashion scarves to complete her look.  She often emerges from her quiet time with a new outfit, and loves to scatter her previously worn clothing around her room for effect.

...has a slight shoe obsession, and thanks to very fashionable hand-me-downs and gifts from her grandmothers, she now has quite the collection of foot wear.

...often breaks out in spontaneous song throughout the day.  She finds great inspiration on Sunday mornings at church, and serenades our van with loud and dramatic spirituals for the twenty minute ride home.

...cannot help but stuff empty purses and bags with random books, toys, trinkets, kitchen gadgets, basically anything she deems special or significant.  She is becoming a bit of a bag lady.

...often can be seen bopping her head or swaying to the music during van rides.  Her taste in music is eclectic and somewhat sophisticated for a four year old; she continues to favor loud beats and anything her father introduces to her.

...is hesitant to try new foods that are unfamiliar if they are on her own plate, but is more than willing to try new foods off her parent's dinner plates.  She has recently acquired a taste for avocado sushi rolls with soy sauce.

...believes she must now pull her pants high on her waist to mimic the magic waist band that is so attractive on maternity pants. 

...has become quite attached to her daddy during my first trimester of pregnancy (due to the amount of time I spent lying on the couch sick), and lavishes praise, love and affection upon him each day.  He has not complained one bit.  They are two peas in a boisterous pod.


The Little Man

...continues to be a loyal and loving mama's boy.  He could often be found keeping watch outside of my bathroom door during bouts of "morning sickness." 

...would eat all day long if I let him, and has enjoyed the extra little snacks I have had to keep handy during my first trimester.  

...is becoming more and more talkative.  Favorite phrases include, "Oh, come on!" "Oopsy Daisy!" "You a boofball (goofball)!" "Here Sissy!" 

...attempts to participate in big sister's dramatic story telling by gibber jabbering and repeating the very last word she speaks, mimicking hand motions and facial expressions.

...has started to retell his favorite bedtime story, Katy and the Big Snow. 

...appreciates many forms of music, but is loyal to his favorite "Daddy songs," and requests them often.  He, too, spends his van rides dancing to music, and enjoys finding rhythms and clapping his hands or knees to the beat.

...softly repeats the word, "pray" with head bowed and hands folded when someone is leading a prayer.

...is learning the art of independent play, and can occupy himself with an activity while I work around the house.  Transportation toys, old cell phones, and purses are among his favorites.  He particularly likes driving toy cars along the perimeter of furniture, window sills, and carpets.

...has a slight "lippie" obsession.  In fact, we now hide all forms of chap stick and lip gloss.  If I apply even the subtlest of shade and he notices, he will frown, point and complain, "Aw, lippies!"  In fact, he acts down right offended if someone is wearing lip gloss and he is not.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! The way you describe Charlotte is exactly Micah!! She is a TOTAL bag lady, in fact when I "unpack" her bags at the end of the night I am amazed what I find stuffed in each bag. She too loves to accessorize and is obsessed with her nails being painted at all times! She also has an extreme love for music (got that from her daddy) and can dance like only a lady with a little "black blood" in her can dance. She can recall lyrics for songs way better than I can.
    Our little ladies would be best of friends if we still lived close. We still need to try to plan our trip to American Girl with these two! Miss you and your family....hugs to you all


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