Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"I need a vacation."

Months ago, in the midst of preparing for his written boards, Jeff arrived home one day fatigued and exasperated.  "I need a vacation.  Let's go to Vegas."  The idea of a vacationing with my husband was a no-brainer, and so we put in a call to our favorite co-travelers, the Staceys.  Within weeks, Adriana had planned the perfect adult get-a-way.  (I will forever be indebted to her precise and perfect trip planning; there is no better way to travel, in my opinion.)

With all of our children safe in the hands of their adoring grandparents, we were off.  Arriving late Thursday evening (the exact time I could not tell you, as there are no clocks in Vegas), we met up with our long lost friends, and quickly fell back into our old ways - laughing, lounging, eating rich and decadent foods, reading, joking, and laughing some more.  It was a very memorable and much need vacation for us all.  Plans are already in the works for our return trip to the "city that never sleeps."

Dining at Spago in Ceasar's Palace.

Our home away from home - The Bellagio.

Photo bombing and taxi lines.

Sun kissed and feeling deliriously satisfied after a memorable meal at The Wynn's SW restaurant.

Me and my sugar daddy.

He makes all my dreams come true.


  1. love your short hair and that amazing red dress! so glad you got some time away and had a great time. :)

    1. Thanks, girl! I wish the dress was my very own; it was a last minute borrow from my very stylish sis-in-law. :)

  2. Aw I loved seeing these pictures. So glad you got to get away with sweet friends! You look so beautiful beck - love your shorter hair! Wish I could wear a dress like the red one half as well as you do (and while pregnant! well done!). Praying you felt well the entire time and that your sickness is getting more manageable. XOXO

    1. You are too sweet Ash! The dress was a last minute borrow Dawnie. :)


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