Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adios Morning 3's...Hello Pre-K

Well, it appears we have come to the end of the little lady's preschool year.  To say that come September she will be in Pre-K, attending school four afternoons a week makes me want to tear up a bit.  Like so many other parents I find myself asking, "How did this happen?!"  I do recognize I need to get a grip, slap a reign on the ol' pregnancy hormones, and embrace the beauty of our little lady growing up.  After all, she seems to think it is just fabulous news, aging that is.  Just the other day she asked when she would be sixteen, which just about put Jeff in a parental coma.  In reality, watching her blossom over the past four years has been one of the loveliest experiences of my life.  School and all that comes with it suits our gal.  And, while I'm very sad to see this year go, I know that we have many wonderful years ahead of us to look forward to.  It is just the beginning, and with this little lady it's all one, big, adventurous ride!

Celebrating her last day with a breakfast of champions, Snoogles - an Ohio gem of a danish that is sure to change lives.  I know.  It's changed ours.


While unintentional, I love the fact that the little lady chose to wear a "tiny braid" for both the first and last day of school, switching from the left side of her face to the right as though it is a graduation tassel.
The little lady and "best friend," Audrey.

I caught this shot just before leaving her for the day - going over the classroom schedule. 
Typical first born, type A child doing what she loves, and does best...plan!

Parents and children gathered before the end of the school day, and were treated to the last story of the year read by Miss Cheryl, and a Popsicle party. The story was a beautiful illustration of little seedlings growing to become an assortment of unique flowers, some that need extra care, others that grow strong and independently, and others wild and free - a true reflection of her class.  Come the end of the story, there were few mothers with dry eyes.

Our little flower.

Popsicle time!
"Hey guys!  This Popsicle is like Memorial Day - red, white, and blue!"

Our little seedling.

End of the year portfolios full of treasures and memorabilia of the little lady's first year.

One final squeeze from Ellen and Cheryl.
After giving Ellen a final hug she commented, "I don't even know what to say about that one!"  I knew exactly what she meant; I feel the same most days.

The little lady and "best friend," Abby

Dining al fresco at the playground to celebrate a fantastic school year.

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."
Henry B Adams


My bedroom suddenly grew very quiet during the little lady's afternoon play time.  I found her asleep on a bin of maternity clothes.  I guess she took my suggestion of pretending this cozy nook was "her apartment" seriously.  Nothing like a school year to wipe a girl out!

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