Sunday, May 20, 2012

Simple Saturday

"Actually we've got a nice little Saturday planned. We're going to Home Depot to pick out some wallpaper, then maybe we'll hit Bed Bath and Beyond... I don't know! I don't know if we'll have enough time!"

 ~ Frank "The Tank" Ricard

Some days, it's the simple things that make life extra sweet.  A peaceful stroll through the farmer's market, the fragrant smell of flowers wafting through the warm air.  Tiny sweat beads dripping down your child's face as their eyes squint in the sun.  Sugary sweet hands gripping miniature fried donuts. Garage sale finds that bring delight.  Ponytails flapping in the air as your four-year old gains speed on her first "big girl bike."  Feeling the warmth of summer beat down on your back, as children play hard outdoors.  Sitting down to a meal at a local pizza parlor, gooey pizza satisfying each hungry mouth. Errands that run late into the evening, children content and tired during van rides.  Windows down, tunes up, heads bopping to the music.  Freshly bathed little ones in summer pj's, hair slick and dripping. Unwinding with the man you love, sweet ones fast asleep.

Waiting in anticipation as Daddy tests out a new driver at Golfsmith.  Between each swing, shouts of "Go Daddy, go!"  filled the store.

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