Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama's Day 2012

Since becoming a mother, my husband has found a way to make each Mother's Day memorable.  This year was no exception.  And this year, I have to give him extra credit as it is difficult to keep anything a secret when your "partner in crime" is a very chatty four-year-old.  However, their sweet secrecy came to an end Sunday morning when I was treated to their well-rehearsed presentation of  gifts.  The fact that I was getting anything more than a card surprised me, as I thought I had already received my Mother's Day present the night before attending an Avett Brother's concert.  As I sat in my pj's on the children's bedroom floor, my sweet ones with smiles wide presented me with two pink packages.  As I read the words of the card my little man hand-picked for me, "My world is happier...all because of you.  Happy Birthday," I could not help but smile, savoring the precious moment unfolding before me.  As Jeff worked to keep the peace during the opening of packages one and two, which served as clues for my actual present I was both amused and delighted by his thoughtfulness and creativity.  And upon the big reveal, I was presented with a brand new camera to capture our little crazies in all of their daily glory.   

In spite of Jeff's best efforts to keep Mother's Day running smoothly, full of peaceful and relaxing moments, my day was very much like any other day - filled with tearful moments, crying fits, drama, boo boos, songs, giggles, hugs and kisses. Their dramatic displays [read: hysterical sobs] were a gentle reminder that I am still needed to comfort and kiss away each tear. Their sass and shouting a reminder that I am still needed to model and guide.  Their spontaneous displays of affection, a reminder that I hold a very special place in their hearts; I am their mother.

And, I am blessed.


This one got a kick out of my new camera.

This one did not.

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