Monday, November 7, 2011

A Visit from Papa & Nany

It felt like Christmas this past Friday when Papa and Nany rolled up after a seven hour journey from Wisconsin.  Their white Nissan Altima might as well have been Santa's sleigh, as they emerged from it carrying gifts from afar (approximately 437 miles). 

They arrived to a quiet house with napping children, allowing our excited but weary travelers a moment to rest and catch their breath.  (I'm pretty confident only grandparents would wake at 2:30 am to make the trip east.)  As they settled into our cozy apartment, taking the "tour" (quick turn right - family room; quick turn left - kitchen, walk down the hall - laundry, bathroom, bedrooms) I could sense the joyful anticipation of their grandchildren's excited squeals, tender kisses and overdue hugs.  It did not take long for our sweet ones to wake and for the real party to begin. As a bonus, Jeff arrived home early from work setting into motion our fun-filled family weekend.

Diving right into Nany's sweet treats, we enjoyed frosting and decorating pumpkin cookies Friday afternoon.

While the little man lacked finesse and self-control (licking the frosting more than spreading it), the little lady approached pumpkin decorating like all other projects, with precision, focus, and creativity.

"Yup...still tastes good."

What's more cheerful than a bright-eyed blue fairy decorating pumpkin cookies?!
(One of Nany's many gifts to the little lady - REAL dress up clothes.  She was beyond delighted.)

Never one to be left out, our other bright-eyed blue fairy.
(A casualty of being the second born.  At least it's blue.)
 Wardrobe change.

Pale pink lippies...check.
Miniature jeweled hair clips...check.
Sparkly crown...(finally someone got the memo)...check.
Fancy poodle skirt...check.
Bedazzled top...check.

One of Nany's requests was to visit On the Rise bakery for (our much blogged about) croissants.

Wish granted!

Despite the chilly autumn temperatures, we heartily consumed our favorite Cleveland bakery item.
(The little man marched straight into the shop, weaved in and out of the long line of expectant customers, making his way to the parchment lined baking sheets filled with croissants, grabbing the first one he could get his paws on.  He was not pleased when his slightly flushed mama scooped him from the front of the line and handed him off to his Papa. On the bright side, it was just one more croissant to add to our already bulding bag of baked goodies.)

All good things in life are worth waiting for.

After croissants we headed to Crocker Park, a delightful shopping promenade in Westlake, Ohio.  In spite of the the outstanding variety of stores we seldom shop, favoring outdoor shenanigans in the very kid friendly courtyard.

Saturday afternoon was filled with activity, including a trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the fellas, baking, naps, tea parties, watching game after game of football, consuming Halloween candy, collecting candy wrappers (apparently Papa and Jeff share the same weakness for bite sized candy), ending with a delicious dinner of broccoli cheddar soup and hunks of crisped warm bread from On the Rise.

Sunday we rose early (thank you time change!), and readied ourselves for church.  Our guests were eager to hear the preaching of Alistair Begg at Parkside Church.  After a brunch of baked pumpkin oatmeal, fried eggs, bacon and toast the children enjoyed a Sunday nap, and the adults enjoyed the quiet and good conversation. Post-naps we enjoyed a satisfying Packer victory, and a mini-celebration in honor of Joey's impending second birthday.

Monday morning Papa and Nany returned to the apartment for one last visit before school.  We treasured our last hour together, playing with the little man's new birthday toys, reading books and getting in a few last cuddles. 

It took five shots to get this - the "best."
Precious in its imperfections.

The little lady treated her "Nan" to one last special moment, taking her on a tour of her school.  After a quick chat with her teachers and observing her in her element, Nany was able to sneak one last smooch from the little lady.

The little man and I were sad to watch the white Nissan pull away from our Shaker Heights drive.  It was a weekend filled with many treasured moments, moments only a grandparent can orchestrate.  Knowing the holidays are right around the corner (how can that be?), made it easier to wave good-bye. 

Lots of love Nan and Pops! 

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