Thursday, November 10, 2011

To shave or not to shave?

Busy moms of wee ones know that (at times) "good days" are marked by whether or not one is able to take a shower.  Everything after that shower is a bonus.  A gift from above.  Meaning that wee ones were quiet enough, fully engaged in an activity or completely engrossed in a children's television show (my apologies to the American Academy of Pediatrics) that their mommy was able to blow dry and straighten her hair, dab on foundation, color her cheeks, line her eyes, coat her lashes, and gloss her lips.  If by some small miracle said wee ones remain quiet long enough, an outfit other than the standard v-neck T-shirt and jeans might come together to create an effortless and breezy mom-on-the-go look.  

Each mama has her own strategy for how she will accomplish the daily task of showering.   Mine involves putting our beloveds in the little lady's gated room, encouraging some sort of imaginary play, and crossing my fingers that any fight that will break out will occur once I have towel dried my body, put on undergarments and NOT before.  This morning I had successfully shampooed and conditioned my hair without a peep from the bedroom, and was entertaining thoughts of shaving my legs when a thunderous clatter from the hallway interrupted my thoughts as buckets of toys were pitched over the gate.  The clatter was followed by girlish shrieks, wails and moans as they little lady agonized over her projects being cast "overboard" by the little man.  Abruptly I shut off the water, grabbed a towel and made my way to the scene of the crime.  Sure enough, puzzle pieces were strewn all over the floor, making an obstacle course for my slick feet to navigate. And, there in the hallway wrapped in only my Thomas O'Brien towel I addressed my flustered crew as water pooled around my feet.  With the little lady's soul soothed and the little man's behavior corrected I made my way to the bedroom to pat myself dry. (It didn't take long, for I had been drip drying in the hallway and was mostly dry with a severe chill.)  

In the process of dressing, I had a little laugh and came to this realization.

I no longer take lengthy showers, relishing the soothing sounds of water rushing.  After years of putting on full make-up, I am content with mascara, lip gloss and (hopefully) dry hair.  My go-to outfit consists of rotating v-necks from Target and my favorite jeans, not the latest trends.  Some days I am forced to quiet disputes in the (near) buff.  And, there are days when my legs go unshaven.  Howeves, it's the little things in life (or should I say little people) that matter most to me now - my little lady and little man. 

And, I'm pretty sure they could care less if I have smooth legs.


  1. and this is why i now have to take showers before going to bed. no need to use a blow dryer, instead just a flat iron in the morning. i've got my routine down to 15 minutes in the morning. and i'm with you - definitely not trendy, but at least i get fully clothed!

    sending you much love, b!

  2. I find this post most amusing!!! After having children now for 9 years..I have given up on "day" showers ... unless ToyStory is playing:) ... and have settled in my evening routine. As for shaving - that is a completely different issue...I'm just impressed you are in jeans, and not the typical jogging/lounge/yoga pants....that I have learned to love:)


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