Thursday, November 17, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conferences

For six years I conducted parent/teacher conferences prior to becoming a stay-at-home mama.   As a teacher, I looked forward to each conference as it was concentrated time with parents, focusing on their child's individual needs, strengths, and accomplishments.  Monday afternoon, I attended my first parent/teacher conference as a parent.  To say that I was anticipating my thirty minute conference with Ms. Cheryl Clark would be an understatement.  I was chomping at the bit to hear all Ms. Clark would reveal about our little lady.  I could not help but smile and chuckle as she detailed our little lady's social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth thus far.  As I listened to her account of the little lady's behavior within the classroom and overall description of her budding personality I realized our little apple does not fall far from the tree.  To be honest, it is hard to tell who she is more like these days, her ol' man or mama.  Perhaps, she is the perfect hybrid apple.

The Honeycrisp - a hybrid of the Macoun and Honeygold apples.  Sweet perfection. 


A few highlights from my conference with Cheryl Clark.
(As an aside, all of the children in her class refer to the teacher as "Cheryl" except our little lady who insists on calling her "Ms. Clark." The teacher finds this quite endearing.)

- "C demonstrates confidence in meeting her own needs. She verbally asserts needs and desires."
(No shock there!)

- "C manages separations without distress and engages trusted adults. She manages classroom rules, routines and transitions."
(She has been ready and willing to leave my side since she began walking at the age of 10 months.)

- "One day a friend scraped his knees on the way to school. He cried and C stood nearby me (the teacher) as I tried to comfort our friend. C looked concern; she shows great empathy."
(One of the qualities I appreciate most in our little lady.)

- "C seeks adult help to resolve social problems."
(I can see her marching right up to her teachers determined to seek and obtain justice.)

- "C has a sense of humor. One day C said, 'Hey, I have a joke.' She worked hard to tell me and I worked hard to follow it. She then said, 'I have another joke.'
(Determined to get a laugh.  If you know her father, this might not come as a surprise to you.)
- "C uses creativity and imagination during play and routine tasks."
(She currently enjoys playing "teacher" and reads aloud to willing still my heart!)

- "C recalls familiar people, places, objects and actions from the past. She examines with attention to detail. On two occasions, C noticed no schedule cards for the gym or the playground and wanted to know why not."
(Her memory is a steel trap.  If it is spoken, she will remember it.)

Our little lady is a piece of work. 
It fills my heart with deep joy (and pride) to be known as "Charlotte's Mommy."


  1. love love love love love. that's all i can say :)

  2. so fun to hear all about your C at school. ironically i have my C's first conference tomorrow. definitely looking forward to it.

    and this is where i shall admit that i so have my fingers crossed that you somehow end up here next year and the girls can go to preschool together. :)


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