Monday, November 21, 2011

So she says...

While I attend my Thursday morning Bible study, the little lady attends "Little Lambs" or as she affectionately calls it her "Mary Had A Little Lamb" class. This past week, the children prepared and shared a birthday cake for Jesus.  After picking up my little lamb, she had this to say, "Mom. (excited pause) Today we ate a birthday cake for Jesus.  He was not there, though.  He is pretend.  But, he helps our bodies, so we make good choices."  Her theology, a work in progress.

While testing out a new banana bread recipe this week (my mother was unavailable to take our phone call requesting her tried and true recipe), the little lady was eager to help.  As we poured each ingredient into our large mixing bowl, we took a moment to smell each one.  With each stir, the little lady's enthusiasm grew and finally she announced, "Oh. My. Goodness.  This smells delicious.  Mommy, you make the best recipes. Ever."  A moment so heartwarming and perfect in its delivery.

Since the little man turned two, he and the little lady have been playing together in fun and new ways as they share space, toys, and ideas.  However, he is still a boy, and boys do not always play the same way little girls do.  In response to one of his poor choice moments, the little lady had this advice to offer him. "Joey, it really hurts my feelings when you yell and spit.  You should not do that.  You should say you're sorry, Joe.  Joe...(as she follows him down the hallway) should probably say you're sorry. (Still following)   "Shawshey,"  he replied (And, does so every time).  She is not one to let an incident pass, is always up for a good lecture, and deeply appreciates hearing the words, "I'm sorry."

On her first cold of the season - "Mommy, I can't eat breakfast today because I have a bad cold.  I don't have a "bless you"  I just have a cough."

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