Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, little man

Two years ago we welcomed our little man into the world.  Triage denied me twice, but I was determined to meet our boy.

He arrived blue-eyed, plump, and fair.  Gentle and peaceful.  Offering sweet sneezes instead of cries.  Our son.  God's gift of comfort and joy. 

And today...

he is as bright and blue-eyed as ever, with fair cheeks round, and voice sweet.  He is playful, always looking for a laugh and when something truly amuses him his head rolls back in raucous intentional laughter.  He is assertive, finding his voice within the walls of our home (and out).  He moves with purpose, climbing high, lagging behind, observant of every squirrel dashing by, plane above or "wee-ooo" on the road.  He flutters his eyes in flirtation, wooing each grocery clerk, sales assistant, and nursery worker.  He loves to be cherished, and pauses for cuddles.  He is full of expression, and has a flare for the dramatic; he uses his tiny mouth to produce a variety of sounds, words, and melodies all day long.  His sissy continues to be his favorite companion, seeking her approval as he moves about his day.  He follows and emulates her every move, yet is not afraid to hold his ground when they disagree.  His giggle is infectious, his grin both bashful and sly.  He rises early, and begins his day with a moment on the couch rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and then focuses all of his attention on his toy trucks while I sip my morning cup of coffee.  He loves to snack, enjoys each meal, and is learning to enjoy milk before bed just like his big sister does. (Even if he does not drink it, he requests it, knowing she would approve.)  He identifies that there is a routine to our day, and is familiar with well-traveled streets around town alerting us when we are close to school, or on our way to church.  He loves on and off ramps, highway systems, and is familiar with every fire station in town.  He pauses to admire construction work, delights in sirens blaring, and is amused by piles of dirt.  And, yet he does not like to be dirty outdoors, while eating, or when at play.  When hurt he runs to his mama, and quickly requests his "blantey."  He is allowed more "blanties" in his crib than his older sister was ever allowed.  He is both compliant and obstinate, cautious and daring.  He is mischievous one moment, and predictable the next.  He is squishy, but strong.  When he accomplishes a task, he pauses for effect, appreciates praise, and responds with clapping.  He can't help himself in the bath, splashing and shouting in delight.  He is a ham, more so than I ever expected.  He is full of surprises.  He is full of love. 
 He is our boy, our treasure, our little man.

Favorite sayings at two -

"Oop." (No "s." The "p" final and accented.)
"Tuuute!" (Upon seeing his sister dressed in a darling outfit, or seeing a tiny baby in public.)
"Huuuge." (While scooping an overflowing bite of food to his mouth, or carrying a heavy object; his tone low and breathy.)
"Sissy!"  "Sissy?"  (Excited to see her; perplexed when she is gone.)
"Jejuse" (His request each night before bed to hear "Jesus Loves Me" sung over his crib.)
"Ummmm?" (A thoughtful pause before decision making each day.)
"Back hoe" (Slow and low, perhaps his favorite construction vehicle.)
"Nooope!" (His go-to answer when he's not interested in something, with a heavy nasal long "o" sound and accented "p.")
"Oh" (Hushed and barely audible, his response to questions answered.)
"Luv you." (A new spoken sentiment. Heartwarming; enough said.)

His special day began with pancakes sweet and ended with a heavily frosted cookie from the supermarket. (The little lady was so over cake.)  He enjoyed every minute of licking the frosting, never making it to the cookie.


And just before bed (Daddy arriving home only minutes before) he opened four more presents, sent with love from his "Aunties" - Ashley, Becki, Adri, and Rachel.  Each present was hand-picked with love and perfect for our little man.

Receiving his first real Packer jersey from the Livingstons.  (His Daddy was only slightly jealous.)  Minutes later, we received a phone call from the Livingston crew singing "Happy Birthday" over speaker phone.  Our little man was delighted, and listened attentively to every word sung.

New transportation books to savor and explore.

Joseph Bradley, the Lord knew we needed your little face to gaze upon each day.  We are so thankful for the little man you are and the young man you are growing up to be. We love you, sweet boy.



  1. He's a handsome little devil. I'm such a lucky godmother! Love you Joey - glad your special day was so much fun! We all love and miss you, how can it be that you are TWO ALREADY?!


  2. Awwww! I'm so glad Joey had a great birthday--only wish we could have been able to celebrate with you guys!! He gets more handsome by the day, and I echo Ashley's sentiment--how is he TWO????


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