Tuesday, June 5, 2012

family pow wow

After taking inspiration from my girlfriend Mel, I decided a summer bucket list would be a fun family tradition to begin this year now that our children are a tad older and naturally full of opinions.  So, after our Sunday night grill we sat down and attempted to take turns sharing our ideas for summer fun.  As you might imagine, the little lady was bursting with ideas and full narratives as she described the many adventures she had planned for us.  And, while the little man lacked the vocabulary to fully articulate his summer wish list, his interest and involvement in the conversation never waned.  We even got the ol' man to toss out a few ideas.  Here's to a rockin' summer.


  1. Love this idea! We may want to borrow :) Like that everything is very doable...Too bad Madison didn't make it to the list though!

  2. My favorite is "Go to Subway". It made me laugh out loud. Love you guys.


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