Tuesday, October 2, 2012

entrepreneurs in training

Last Friday, we joined friends Neko and Katie Grace for the perfect fall play date, a cider and cookie sale.  With cash register full of coins, warm ginger cookies and steaming cider, the girls and little man joyfully made their way to the sidewalk to wave down the friendly folks of Shaker making their way home from work.  The first hour of business was spent tasting their product, frolicking in the grass and waiting expectantly for potential customers.  By 4:30 business had picked up and the kids took turns pouring cider, passing out cookies, collecting cash, and occasionally body checking one another for dibs on the register.  By far the most humorous aspect of the afternoon was watching the children wave their petite arms in the air, pleading with cars to stop, and their hysterical fits of "angry" laughter when cars zoomed by ignoring their boisterous cries of "Ciiiider for Saaaale!"  It was an afternoon filled with laughter as we enjoyed the beauty of fall, the warmth of the setting sun, and making memories with sweet girlfriends.

Quality control?
The little man spent most of the afternoon sneaking cookies and gulping cider.

Desperate, but delightful cries as they spot potential customers coming down the street.

"Errrr...they IGNORED us!" [hysterical laughter]

Our favorite customer of the afternoon..."It's. MY. Daddy!"
...and might I add, our tallest customer.

The little lady and man were thrilled to walk away with their take of the profit, four quarters each.  That's a lot o' loot.

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