Monday, October 17, 2011

One step closer

Trauma to the doralis pedis artery in the lower leg is most likely associated with what neuropraxia?

What is seen in lambdoidal craniosynostosis?

What points of fixation are required with zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures?

What is pachydermoperiostosis?

(Ironically, when I hit spell check every single medical term was highlighted as a misspell.)

These are among the questions I had been attempting to read to my husband each night as he prepared for his written board exam.  Pronouncing many medical terms as though they were an entree off of an Italian menu, I quizzed him each evening.  I often wondered if my hack job of questioning interfered with his ability to comprehend a question and then answer it.  But, he didn't seem to mind.  And, I enjoyed every minute of it as I watched his mind at work, appreciating his work ethic, and admiring his intellect.  I am amazed at how the Lord created our minds so uniquely different.

  After countless hours logged studying, over 3,000 practice questions, and a four hour exam today he is one step closer to becoming a board certified plastic surgeon.  Now we wait for the results, which might possibly be the hardest part.  I am confident.  But then again I am just a wife, who adores her husband, believes in his every effort, and hopes for his best in all things.

Tonight we celebrate (meaning fall asleep on the couch by 8:30pm).

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