Saturday, October 15, 2011

Big day over here

We are officially a "papi" (pacifier) free household.

After clipping the nipple part of the pacifier (Thanks for the idea, Joan!) and tossing it strategically into the center of the room we waited for the little fella to discover his beloved papi. With flip camera ready, we waited for our plot to unfold. Within seconds, the little man ran excitedly towards the papi, thrilled to find it in plain sight. "Papi...(giggles)...papi...(giggles)!" We watched in amusement as he transitioned from a state of joy to utter confusion. As he turned the papi over and over, he looked at us for further explanation. In the end, he deemed the pacifier "garbage" and headed directly to the garbage can. And, with sweet confidence he tossed his beloved comforter directly into the trash and smiled.

He did not request it before nap time, but cuddled his blanket attempting to recreate the soothing sucking motion the pacifier provided him. He gave up after a minute or so, and settled down to sleep. I only hope when he wakes in the middle of the night, he is as easily soothed without it.

RIP Avent Pacifier
 November 14, 2009 - October 15, 2011
You were loved and appreciated by all.

And, for this one...

We decided that as of today the little lady would no longer be able to take a water cup to bed with her.   In all likelihood, this will prove to be the bigger of the two separations.  When we briefed her on our plan yesterday, she responded matter of fact, "I need my cup in my bed.  I'm a little girl." (Not a bad argument, actually.  She is a wee one, dainty and slight.)

Playtex Spill-Proof Cup, 9 oz with Sippy Spout

This specific type of cup has soothed and supported our sweet little lady through her many milestones.  It is the first thing she wants to see upon waking, filled to the brim with fresh milk.  Her thirst has been satisfied by it, her feelings comforted by it, and it has helped fill the empty space between her arms and the pillow as she slumbers each night.  If she wakes in the middle of the night, she 1) calls out for me 2) pulls her pink blankie close and 3) reaches for her cup, shaking it to insure there is water left before placing it in her mouth to soothe.  Each spout bears tiny scratches, evidence of her teeth gently grinding against it.  While, she will continue to enjoy this sacred cup upon waking and as she rests on the couch before bed, (it would be cruel and unusual punishment to deprive her of such established routines) I know she will miss its presence in her bed each night. 

Now, would somebody please slow down time for us as it is clear our sweet ones are growing up.

1 comment:

  1. oh avent pacifiers, how we love thee! that's what the girls used as well. and so happy to have them outta here!

    way to go, joe!

    and kudos to char as well - hope the journey is a smooth one. we let our C have a water bottle when she has a cough and she doesn't want to part with it at night after she's feeling better. crazy girls! :)


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