Friday, July 6, 2012

Go West Young Fam

Two weeks ago, the children and I embarked upon on our fourth trip home to Wisconsin for a two week vacation.  Jeff would later join us by a more efficient means of travel, flight.  Armed with my trusty navigation system, new paper back books for the children, and snacks we hit the road, fueled by the little lady and man's giddy enthusiasm and an upbeat play list.  We now have the trip down to a science, and I'm pleased to report that even in my second trimester of pregnancy we were able to keep to one pit-stop.  The long hours of travel are worth it when we at last exit the "big road" and squeals of delight can be heard from the back of the van as the children anticipate pulling into their grandparent's driveway.  It is always a sweet reunion.

The first few days of our trip were spent at Nany and Papa's house.  There was no shortage of water fun, Nany's home cooked meals, playing with cousins, laughter, Papa's humor, and long days in the sun.  I especially enjoyed being able to share the news of baby Pablo's gender with each family member in person.  Think pink M&Ms and Cheryl's pink buttercream frosted cookies.

A few favorite memories from the week...

Sprinkler fun with Papa

Girl's night out at Habanero's with Nany, Dawn, and my lovely nieces
(Pablo seems to enjoy Mexican food.  The irony of her "name" and this particular food craving amuses me.)

Hitting the beach with the cousins

Lil' Miss Thang and Kendall

Little man and Zachy

Little lady and Trey

Me and Ty

Z, Trey, and pregnant me

Beachfront fun with Nany

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