Friday, August 9, 2013

Month Eight

Month eight flew by as a result of packing up our family for yet another move.  In addition, month eight proved to be a significant one for the littlest as she started off the month scooting across the floors of our rental property to crawling across the shaggy rugs of our new home.  She now stands confidently against furniture, if positioned, crawls for objects beyond reach, claps joyfully, and fills our home with loud, enthusiastic outbursts as she attempts to communicate with her siblings and their booming voices.  Eating two to three meals a day, she continues to shows signs of being a vegetarian, refusing proteins, and favoring fruits.  She quickly grasped the art of picking up bite-sized pieces of food, and enjoys cramming various flavors of puffs into her mouth.  She and the little man bond over sharing puffs and baby food, he often asking to finish to her food.  She continues to be the apple of his eye, his true delight.  I pray their bond is always this tight.
Sweet Junebug continues to enjoy all forms of socialization, greeting new neighbors with her wide, gummy smile, though her first tooth is on its way, a process slow and sometimes painful.  Teething combined with a growth spurt has produced a solid nap schedule, allowing our littlest to nap twice a day for two hours; however, it has significantly interrupted her nighttime sleep patterns.  We recently discovered she has excellent balance, something big sister demonstrated early on resulting in her walking at the ripe age of ten months.  Perhaps we have another early walker on our hands.  Each day we see such sweet similarities in the littlest and her older siblings.  I continue to appreciate each comment or observation on her looks, which range from "she looks just like her brother" to "I see so much of Charlotte in her."  She is a beautiful blend of both.  Not a day goes by that we are not blessed by her joy-filled presence in our (new) home.  She seems pleased to no longer be a renter, but home owner.

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