Thursday, June 13, 2013

She's An American Girl

After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
- "American Girl" by Tom Petty
The month of June began on a very special note, as the little lady and I joined friends, Sara and Micah Knoester, for a day of fun on the Magnificent Mile.  It was a day celebrating the beautiful innocence of our little gals, as they entered for the first time and with great anticipation, American Girl Place.  With squeals of delight, eyes wide, and feet hurried, they made their way through the store in search of the perfect American Girl Doll, stopping to admire the MANY faces, outfits, and accessories.  It did not take long before they each found the "perfect" one, only to find another that was equally perfect.  In a rather amusing moment, I observed our little lady prop both dolls up and "Eeny-Meeny" her way to a decision. Once confident in their selections, we made our way to the cashier to purchase the dolls and pay for them (the dolls) to have their ears pierced, a highlight of the trip. "Josephine" later renamed "Jessica" has since become the little lady's favorite side kick, joining us on errands, at the breakfast table, and is tenderly tucked into bed each night.  I am often asked to "watch" Jessica during the day, as if I don't have enough children of my own to manage.  Thankfully, she is the quietest of the bunch and very well behaved. 
It was a day I will always treasure, spent with dear friends, and my two little ladies.  

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