Friday, June 28, 2013

It is finished.

 The most important person that needs to believe in your abilities is YOU. Have confidence in yourself.
Today the doctor's surgical training comes to an end.  In true dramatic fashion, while studying the Word early this morning, his pager went off, piercing staccato filling the quiet.  As I watched him abruptly exit the office, I was overcome with affection for my husband.  After seven years of training, head bent over books, countless hours clocked in the operating room developing his skill set, and riding the inevitable waves of uncertainty, anxiety, and exhaustion, he will wake tomorrow a student no more.  And, with this realization, he will inevitably wake to increased levels of anxiety and doubt as he embraces his new found freedom.  He is ready; however.  In him, I have full confidence.  My heart swells with pride (the good kind), as I consider his accomplishments.  My heart is overcome with gratitude as I reflect on our journey, God's constant and faithful leading,and the memories we have made.  And, it is with great enthusiasm that I (once again) pack up our rental home in preparation for moving day, anticipating the home that awaits us in Fitchburg, WI. 

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