Saturday, May 26, 2012


When selecting a title for this blog post, it was a toss-up between "All good things must come to an end, " and "It's about time." 

Yesterday the little lady and I prepped her bedroom for the big transition.  Joey would be moving in that day, after approximately 26 months of sharing a room with Jeff and I. We were all a bit giddy about the move, and after Jeff disassembled and reassembled the crib (a job I have never envied), the little lady took one look at her brother's bed and asked, "Will Joey be sleeping in here forever, until we move to our next house?!"  When I confirmed the good news, she squealed with delight.  Social to her little bones, she would prefer the company of others even when she sleeps.

When it came time to put our sweet ones to bed, we didn't have the opportunity to stagger their bedtimes as we normally do, so we shared a story, and I took turns rubbing their cheeks and singing them to bed.  It didn't take long before we heard the little man's voice, "Sissy!  Wake up!" (Followed by giggles.)  Over the next hour we heard snickering, chatter, fake snoring, banging, and at one point found the little lady in the hallway wrapped in a blanket escorting "her other friends" back to sleep.  Come 9:00 pm they finally had settled, and Jeff and I enjoyed the thrill of moving a table lamp back into our bedroom, reading and talking in our own bed before dozing off. 

I must admit I fell fast asleep, content and deliriously happy.  We were woken up at 2:45 am with an urgent message from the little lady.  "Excuse me Mama, Joey is awake."  Jeff and I took turns reassuring our little man that the new pad would provide all of the usual comforts of the old, and eventually he fell back asleep. 

Overall, it was a relatively smooth transition.  Hopefully tonight with the addition of a new fan and less warm blankies, our sweet ones will sleep through the night. 

Jeff and I look forward to the luxury of having a child-free bedroom for the next six months until the next bambino makes his/her way into this world.

The little lady's new play area in our room for "quiet time."

1 comment:

  1. so glad that it went mostly well! you'll have it figured out in now time - a constant learning curve! i feel we're just getting the hang of putting them both down at the same time. :)


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